Painting Projetc part 4

Su'cuy! Vode
Darth Maul concept art
Don’t remember about my painting project, now I want to present you fourth part.

Under Darth Bane and Revan from the right we have another character: Darth Maul.

He wasn’t be master like all another Sith Lords painted by me, just an apprentice.
So why him? Be onset I really like him, and common on he looks really awesome with his black-red tattoo on his face and double lightsabrer.

First time he appears in “Phantom Menace” in 1999 and from at time fans loves this character, played by martial arts specialist Ray Park.
In this note I don’t want to show you all story of Darth Maul, just the background. So, let’s start journey to begin of Sith’s warrior.

"a figure from your worst nightmare"
George Lucas had described him as “a figure from your worst nightmare.” Designer Iain McCaig thus offered Lucas a design based on a nightmare of his, which was rejected, but later inspired the Nightsister Sith witch. One day McCaig was trying to make “Sith Lord versions” of the art department crew, and drew David Dozoretz, head of the animations group, with a circuit board on his face. Lucas got intrigued by the circuit board idea, and McCaig started producing similar caricatures. After getting frustrated with a drawing of production designer Gavin Bocquet, McCaig started covering it in tape. He liked the result, described as “a kind of Rorschach pattern,” and so did Lucas. The final drawing had McCaig's own face, with a pattern based on three things: a concept of a “flayed flesh face,” face-painting of African tribes, and further Rorschach experimentation (dropping ink onto paper, folding it in half, and opening it)

Darth Maul's head originally had feathers, based on prayer totems, but the Creature Effects crew led by Nick Dudman interpreted those feathers as horns. Another change to the design was his clothing, from a tight body suit with a muscle pattern to the Sith robe based on Samurai pleats, because the lightsaber battles involved much jumping and spinning.

In the end I just want to write, all history of Darth Maul you can find in:
- Movie - “Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace”.
- Books - “Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter”, “Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace”, “Darth Plagueis”, “Maul: Lockdown”.
- Animated television series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”.

And that’s all for today folks, Oya!


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