painting project part 2
Time is for second part of my painting project.
That was the first thing I painted in my wall: Sith Code.
The Code of the Sith, known as Qotsisajak in Sith, was the mantra that
reinforced the core beliefs of the Sith Order. It was considered the dark side
counterpart to the Jedi Code, and was first authored on the planet Korriban in
6900 BBY by the Jedi heretic Sorzus Syn. The code remained remarkably unchanged
through the millennia, as the Sith Lord Darth Bane still taught the words of
Sorzus Syn when he began rebuilding the Sith Order around 1000 BBY, after the
Seventh Battle of Ruusan.
Peace is
a lie, there is only passion.
passion, I gain strength.
strength, I gain power.
power, I gain victory.
victory, my chains are broken.
The Force
shall free me.
But it’s just words, nothing more, until you figure out the dipper
meaning hidden inside the code.
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Darth Bane |
am not a man of words. But I respect the power of words, for that is what
transformed me. The words of the Sith Code. Others had heard them, contemplated
them, and so on. But I understood them, and they changed me. For what was I
before I heard those words? Nothing."
―Darth Bane, Dark Lord of the Sith
Ok time for analyse.
Some have speculated that the Code of the Sith was created in direct
contrast with the Jedi Code, to illustrate the fundamental philosophical
differences between the orders. This could certainly account for the first line
of the Sith Code discounting the Jedi's proclamation of peace, as well as the similar
structure of the two Codes, although the Jedi claimed the Code spoke only of
the Sith's individual wants and desires.
Peace is
a lie, there is only passion
"Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth,
adaption, evolution… or death."
―Yuthura Ban
According to Yuthura Ban, a Twi'lek Sith practitioner who taught at the
Korriban Academy, the "peace" of the Jedi, meaning the lack of
conflict, was an agent of stagnation. Conflict, however, was seen as the source
of progress for both the single beings and the civilizations. She also stated
that the necessity of conflict was a law of the universe and not just a Sith
Fundamentally, the Code of the
Sith expressed their rejection of selflessness and their full embrace of passion
and lust. Although some individuals turned to the dark side out of a
philosophical ideal or even wished to wield its violent powers for altruistic
purposes, all Sith ended up prisoners of their own crave for power. The deeper
nature of the Sith Order was a predatory one, a trait that Sorzus Syn had
admired in the Sith Purebloods.
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Yuthura Ban |
passion, I gain strength.
"It is our goal to be stronger, to achieve our potential and not
rest upon our laurels. We are the seekers, not the shepherds."
―Yuthura Ban[src]
The Sith saw themselves as seekers, challengers of old and stagnant
ways, in touch with the laws of nature and the universe. They saw the Jedi as
denying their natures and afraid of the truth around them. Yuthura Ban gave
examples of the tuk'ata hunting prey, feeding on weaker creatures. Passions
were what kept all creatures—from the most rudimentary to the most evolved
sentient—alive. Yuthura Ban explained this to the amnesiac Revan, "To
think us creatures beyond the need of simple passions is a delusion." They
believed that mastery of their passions gave them strength the Jedi lacked.
strength, I gain power
"Without strife, the victory has no meaning. Without strife, one
does not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation."
―Yuthura Ban
The Sith knows be strength is only one of the step. Be strength, don’t forward
back, only if you will be strong you can be powerful. True Sith always should
aim at power
power, I gain victory
"Unless the victory is achieved by demonstrating that your power is
superior, it is only an illusion. Temporary at best. We seek more."
―Yuthura Ban
The Sith did not believe that victory by any means was desirable, but
believed that unless victory proved your superiority, it was an illusion and
temporary. Though there might be different types of victories—peaceful victory,
victory by sacrifice, even a truce—Sith dogma taught that unless the victory
was achieved by demonstrating that one's power was superior, it was not true
victory. The stronger a Sith became in the Force, the more power he could
achieve, but he always had to fight for that power.
victory, my chains are broken
"One who has freed themselves from all restrictions has reached
perfection… their potential fulfilled. Perfect strength, perfect power, perfect
―Yuthura Ban
The true meaning of the line "…my chains are broken" was a
subject of argument among many Sith. According to Yuthura Ban, the chains
represented a being's restrictions; not just a Sith but any being in the
universe. The restrictions could be those placed upon a being by someone else,
or restrictions that one placed upon oneself. The ultimate goal of any Sith was
to free himself from such restrictions, but not in the simplistic meaning of
just being able to do whatever he wanted. The Sith desired to free themselves
in order to reach perfection and fulfill their potential. They wanted perfect
strength, perfect power, and perfect destiny, which, in turn, allowed one to do
whatever they wanted for the most part. The person who had these abilities was
known as the Sith'ari.

The Force
shall free me.
"The Force is our servant and our master. Our teacher and our
companion. A weapon and a tool. Know it and you know the universe. Master it
and you master the universe. Strive for perfection and the Force shall reward
―Yuthura Ban
The Sith believed that those who strove for perfection through knowledge
and mastery of the Force would be rewarded. The Sith also believed that those
who followed their code were free of the mundane restrictions of others, that
they strove for a greater purpose and thus threw off the restrictions normally
placed upon individuals by society and other organizations.
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