Yuuzhan Vong

Hello there!

 In my last notice I mention about Yuuzhan Vong.
Today I want to introduce them to You.
Yuuzhan Vongs were a humanoid species aggressive and fanatic, they came from outside of known galaxy.

 Warriors personal weapon, Amphistaff and body Armor, making from Vonduun crab can stops lightsabre blade. That makes them very difficult opponents even for Jedi knights.

All Yuuzhan Vongs technology: starships, weapons, or simple everyday objects, was entirely biological. They hated droids, machines, electronics, and anything manufactured. This biotechnology was coaxed into growth by the Shapers and seemed to be more resilient when compared to conventional technology.

The Force which surrounded and penetrate galaxy, but for Vong’s doesn’t exist. They can’t feel the Force, also they can’t be seen using the force. Is like someone, somehow stripped them from the force.

When appeared in Star Wars galaxy they started the biggest and the bloodiest war in the history. During Yuuzhan Vong War death toll was nearly 350 trillion and over 61 thousand planets were destroyed or terraformed. This is the only one big conflict in the galaxy not inspire by the Siths or other users of the Dark Side of the Force.

In the end I just want to say that appearance of the Yuuzhan Vong in books, it’s something never happened before. Killing one of the main character from the original movie trilogy.
All story about this you can find in New Jedi Order series - 19 books.


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