First Star Wars tattoo

Today I want share with You my first tattoo inspired by Star Wars. It was really long time ago…but not in a galaxy far, far away...I always liked tattoos and always wanted to have one on my neck. First idea was barcode, unfortunately I saw one guy with that tattoo. After that I decided to modified idea, something like a barcode but different. And I chose Star Wars logo simple, no one have the same one and, in the end, this logo could have identified me like a Star Wars fan, just like a barcode.

How I started to be a fan? Everything begun in 2003 and my two friends are responsibility for this. One day They asked me “did I ever watched any Star Wars film” and I answer “no, but I will not like them”. And this is all me, at the beginning I’m first guy who said No, or I don’t like, and in the end I’m the guy who is most like yes.
One funny thing, about 80 % of fan who started their adventure with Star Wars first watched original trilogy, then prequel trilogy.
Maybe now I explain what’s mean original trilogy
Known also classical trilogy or just trilogy are three Star Wars movies published between 1978-1982. Episode IV A New Hope (1979), Episode V Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Episode VI The Return Of The Jedi (1982)
Prequel trilogy, called second trilogy are another three Star Wars movies made between 1999-2005. And now the funny begins: Movie from 1999 had name … Episode I The Phantom Menace. Of course, I was in that 20% fans who watched in different way. I loved this saga. After couple of months, in 2003 I was already some kind of Star Wars fanatic. And when I heard news about episode III Revenge of The Sith, movie which will show fall of Anakin Skywalker and rise of Darth Vader I can wait until the premiere.
In 19 May 2005 at midnight I realised my dream: watch Star Wars movie in the cinema. In that night I decide to make Star Wars logo in my neck.

Another tattoo inspired by this movie is also simple, just a short sentence but very important for the saga. If you ever watched any Star Wars movie in the beginning of the movie you can see short sentence “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” A lot of stories for children start from similar form a long time ago, far far away. So, you probably think: “Star Wars is a story for children?” And you ‘re right, but for the “big children”


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